Spring Hinge Tool

$6.00$39.00 Cdn.

This portable tool allows you to fix or reattach temple ends alone and without complicated and heavy pliers or firmly attached bench tools.

The tool consist of two pieces, a clamp and a lever.

Step 1:
Position the temple into the clamp as shown in Fig. 1. The hinge part will be at the jaw of the clamp and the locking spring should be hanging loosely.

Step 2:
Insert the lever and pry the spring hinge out as shown in Fig. 2. Once the hinge is stretched as far as you would like, slide up the locking spring towards the jaw until it is sufficiently tight enough to hold the hinge out.

You should now have a lightweight temple with the spring hinge extended and ready to be assembled. (Fig. 3.)

Step 3:
Position the temple into the proper position. (Fig. 4.) Screw in a hinge, release the locking spring and remove the clamp.


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Additional information

Spring Hinge

Complete Tool, Replacement Lever Only